Connecticut Renegades Spring Breakout 2011

In the immortal words of John Cleese – And now for something completely different.  OK, not really completely different – I have shot this sport before.  But it’s something that I don’t get out all that often to shoot – Cowboy Mounted Shooting.  A couple weeks ago Jill, the girls & I headed up to Enfield, CT to watch and shoot the Connecticut Renegades‘ Spring Breakout 2011 match.  It was a sunny – but windy – day, but there were plenty of shooters that I could, well, shoot.

Going to keep things short here, and get to the (tons of) pictures.  Basically cowboy mounted shooting is where a rider, using a pair of Colt .45s shooting specially loaded blanks ride through a set course.  Along that course is a number of balloons that they must ride past in a certain pattern.  And while riding, they must shoot each balloon along the way.  I guess it’s pretty much a blend of target practice and barrel racing.  Folks also typically dress up in western period wear, making things quite interesting.  OK, enough of that – you can get more info at the two links above.  Let’s get on with the pictures!


Thanks for looking!