Sunday daytime – Diesel & Grain Powered Horsepower

Sunday was an eventful day, photographically speaking.  So I’ll be dividing it up into two parts – day and night.  For the daytime, I had one chance encounter, and one planned.  The chance involved the New England Central Railroad, and the planned was up at my alma mater – the University of Connecticut.

In the morning, while getting ready for the PM activities (more on that later), I had to run into Willimantic to gas up my car.  As I was heading down Route 289 towards Willi I fired up the scanner.  Just after the scanner woke up, the NECR frequency locked in.  OK, cool a train was in the picture.  But the catch was I only had a few minutes to spare because we had plans in the early afternoon, and I couldn’t chance screwing those up.  Figured it was worth a check-out – hey, I was going right past the  yard, so why not?

As I pulled onto Bridge Street I was greeted by an activated grade crossing, and NECR NERWPA pulling north.  Judging by the conversation on the radio, they were getting ready to head north.  So I got a quick shot as the power pulled out from behind a cut of cars waiting for the P&W to pick up.


With no time left, I headed off to gas up the car and get back home.

Now on to the thing that I couldn’t be late for.  We were heading up to UConn to watch a polo match with the kids.  Of course, I took a bunch of pictures of the game, along with a couple of the horses that were in a ring outside the barns.

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And that was it for the daytime.  After we got home, I was heading off to the evening’s activities.  More on that in a bit…

Thanks for looking!