Hey everyone! Yep, it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here on the old blog. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t been out shooting – just the opposite! Granted, I’m not out every day like I have been in the past – life gets in the way much too […]
Mill Cove
Now that they’ve started to hit subscribers’ mailboxes, I figured a note here was in order. I’ve got two articles appearing in the March 2012 issues of the two largest railroad magazines. First is a short piece and a photo in TRAINS as a part of their Funky Freights feature […]
The Providence & Worcester Railroad recently acquired three former Burlington Northern Santa Fe GE B40-8W locomotives. One of those – now numbered P&W 4005 – has recently received a new paint job, putting the former warbonnet into P&W chocolate and orange. And after one other trip down this way, I got a […]
Between family commitments, a bout with a flu-like bug (putting me in bed for 4 days), and Hurricane Irene’s power outage (6 days for us), I’ve once again fallen a bit behind on the old Blog here. But never fear, it’s time to catch up on the posts. Granted, I […]
Way back on June 8th I was able to get out and shoot a bit in the morning. I intented to duck out and shoot Providence & Worcester train NR-2 along the Thames River. But as things worked out, I ended up catching two P&W jobs in the Groton/New London […]
Been a little while since I’ve posted anything from the railroad front. So to start things flowing again, I figured I’d prime the pump – so to speak – with a bunch of shots from June. Included here are a couple day’s worth of shots – one of Providence & […]
Last Friday was a pretty good day, photographically speaking. I ended up taking the day off from work for a couple reasons – first, later in the evening I was putting on a presentation about the railroads along the Thames River for the Northeast Prototype Modeler’s Meet out in Collinsville, […]
On the 17th of May I was able to get out for a few minutes to catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2 over lunch. It was a quick trip out, and I was only able to catch them at a couple spots. But while out, I noticed one of my […]
On Friday the 13th I actually got a bit lucky. Not only did I catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2 in Ledyard and Groton, but I also caught New England Central train 608 heading south with loaded ethanol, and was able to work a couple birds into the shots – […]
Continuing on the backlog clearing spree, we’ve made it into May. The first stuff I shot in May was pretty run of the mill stuff – consisting of Providence & Worcester NR-2 at Mill Cove in Ledyard, and the USS Nautilus and through Fairview yard in Groton. Nothing earth-shattering, but […]