Another angle bites the dust

On the 17th of May I was able to get out for a few minutes to catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2 over lunch.  It was a quick trip out, and I was only able to catch them at a couple spots.  But while out, I noticed one of my favorite angles will soon be no longer available due to some Amtrak fence construction.  Just like Groton tower, where a chain link fence was erected along the south side of the tracks, the area to the north of the Shaw’s Cove swing bridge is following suit.

Yep, Amtrak is installing chain link fence along the west side of the tracks, between the crossing at the Waterfront Park and Shaw’s Cove, making a classic angle a lot more difficult, if not impossible, to shoot.    I guess we’ll see if it’s possible or not once they’re done with the construction.

Anyways, I headed out over lunch to catch P&W NR-2 pulling loaded ethanol out of the NECR in New London.  It was a kind of cruddy, rainy day, but I figured it was worth running out for a bit.  After I got them pulling off of the NECR lead and over the Shaw’s Cove swing bridge in New London, I headed over the river and up to Mill Cove in Ledyard, where I waited to bag them again.  This time, though, the wait would be a bit longer.  Due to the wet rail and heavy loads, NR-2 wasn’t able to make the grade up to and over the Thames River lift bridge.  So they had to back down and clear Shaw’s Cove again, and make a run for the bridge.  The second time they made it, and I got a few shots of them passing by Mill Cove.


Thanks for looking!