Run-o-the-mill on May 3rd

Continuing on the backlog clearing spree, we’ve made it into May.  The first stuff I shot in May was pretty run of the mill stuff – consisting of Providence & Worcester NR-2 at Mill Cove in Ledyard, and the USS Nautilus and through Fairview yard in Groton.  Nothing earth-shattering, but at least there was blue skies to work with.

Not much to say on this post – a halfway decent sized NR-2 with boxcars and loads of stone bound for the New York & Atlantic Railroad out on Long Island.  Managed to catch them at three of the usual spots – Mill Cove, The Nautilus and through Fairview yard, where they passed by some flowering trees (maybe dogwood?).

I think that’s about it – time to enjoy the photos!


Thanks for looking!