Yesterday I managed to get out for a bit and take advantage of the bright blue skies and warm weather down here in southeastern Connecticut. And as things worked out, I got out for a little bit over lunch because of some unforeseen circumstances at work. When all was said […]
This morning Providence & Worcester train NR-2 was running earlier that usual, so I decided to mix things up and shoot them somewhere different. While doing that I came across New England Central train NERWNE as well. Hey, two trains in a matter of minutes without even having to move […]
Yesterday I was able to make it out a couple times – once at the usual morning time, and once over the lunch hour. The morning was some typical Providence & Worcester action, and at lunchtime I happened across an eastbound Acela under some interesting skies.
Yesterday I was able to get out for a bit to catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2 in the morning – trying to take advantage of some of the last remaining fall color down in southeastern Connecticut. In addition to that, later in the evening I managed to catch a […]
Quite the day today turned out to be. It started out under sunny blue skies, with some changing foliage along the Thames River, and ended in the dark, with some more of that nice New England color. But that ending also had a piece of Florida in the picture – […]
OK, a bit of catching up to do tonight. I actually managed to shoot a bit last week, and got stuff from every day except Tuesday. Not bad overall. And it consisted of Providence & Worcester NR-2 and New England Central NERWNE (formerly known as 608) at a few locations […]
Fall in New England – crisp mornings, blue skies, and changing colors of the leaves. All of that came together this morning, and with a little help, I was able to get a shot of a train running through a typical New England fall morning. Granted the colors aren’t quite […]
Friday was a beautiful day – sun, and a pretty much cloudless sky. Still no changing colors on the trees, but it was a nice fall morning. How could I pass that up, especially when I had a hole in my schedule?
OK, getting late, and I’m getting a bit lazy. So I’m going to do like the cable company advertises, and bundle a couple posts together. This one is from September 24th and 29th of Providence & Worcester train NR-2 at, yep you guessed it, Mill Cove. Well, the 29th also […]
Catching up continues. Here’s a bit from September 21st. Simple one this time – caught Providence & Worcester train NR-2 at Mill Cove and just south of the USS Nautilus in Groton. Yep, pretty run of the mill stuff – only “exciting” thing is NR2 was throwing a little smoke…