P&W Morning – Amtrak Afternoon

Yesterday I was able to make it out a couple times – once at the usual morning time, and once over the lunch hour.  The morning was some typical Providence & Worcester action, and at lunchtime I happened across an eastbound Acela under some interesting skies.

On my usual morning trip, I headed for Mill Cove – the wind wasn’t blowing that hard, so I figured the water would be calm enough for some sort of reflection.  When I got there, the water was pretty calm – only some subtle waves on the surface – enough to just diffuse the reflections.  And instead of my usual spots, I went about as far south as I could go – without trespassing on someone’s lawn – getting a little different angle of the causeway.  Once NR-2 showed up, I rattled off a few shots as they headed south along the cove.

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And that was about all I had time for in the morning, so I headed back to the office.

Then came lunchtime.  I usually bring a lunch, but yesterday I forgot to bring it, so I headed out to get something from Wendy’s.  After I got my meal, I decided to head down to the river and finish eating there.  So I set my sights on the parking lot south of the Thames River drawbridge.

Just as I got there, an eastbound Acela was rolling through New London station across the Thames.  Perfect timing.  I put the fries down, grabbed the cameras, and got a few shots of the train crossing the Thames in some sunlight, with some dark clouds to the north.

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As the train got off of the bridge, I got back in the car and put the camera away, and turned my attention back to the rest of my fries.

Thanks for looking!