Finally slogged through the 1,700 or so images I took way back on November 9th at Toad’s Place in New Haven. It was a benefit show that featured old friends Mighty Purple and Gargantua Soul, along with the Seth Adam Band, who also had a guest vocalist – Christine Ohlman.
Yep, you read that right. Short version – in a span of about 20 minutes, and without moving my ass more than 15 feet, I was able to catch the freighter Persenk unloading copper plates at the State Pier in New London, a pair of small US Coast Guard cutters […]
Well, I was able to head out yesterday into the crappy weather we were having. I figured with the upcoming wind forecasted for the weekend, I didn’t have much time left with the color on the trees. So any weather would do. I set my sights on Mill Cove in […]
Well, there was some sun & blue skies today. But contrary to what the weather geeks predicted, it didn’t last long. Oh, well, such is life. At least I was able to get out and catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2, along with Amtrak train 171 around the Thames River […]
Busy, busy, busy. That’s been the word lately. Didn’t get a chance to go out yesterday, nor this morning. But I did have to run down to Lowe’s to check out some roofing material (that I’ll probably purchase at the local lumberyard – O.L. Willards – because, quite simply, they’re […]
Sorry for the problem all you Internet Explorer users out there. Seems that something in the sidebar was goofing up the pages when viewed with IE – something I never noticed because I use Firefox. All should be back to normal now… Proof yet again that I should test on all platforms […]
Jeez. Missed some pictures from Friday. I ended up catching New England Central train 608 heading north in Franklin, CT on my way home (and eventually to Toad’s Place in New Haven).
Coming back from errands on Saturday, I happened across a parked New England Central train 608 in Willimantic. So of course I had to stop & take a few pictures. But something was missing…
Busy weekend – went straight from work to a night out with my wife (went to Toad’s Place in New Haven to check out Mighty Purple and Gargantua Soul), so here’s Friday’s adventures.
Huh? Yeah, the GE and EB references are probably pretty easy to figure out, but the defense contractor Raytheon? How could that fit in? Read on and you’ll find out what I’m talking about…