Thames River Draw & NECR 608 led by Barney

Busy, busy, busy. That’s been the word lately. Didn’t get a chance to go out yesterday, nor this morning. But I did have to run down to Lowe’s to check out some roofing material (that I’ll probably purchase at the local lumberyard – O.L. Willards – because, quite simply, they’re usually cheaper than Lowe’s or Home Depot) over lunch, so I figured I’d swing by and check out the progress on the Thames River drawbridge at the least.

On my way back from Lowe’s in Waterford, I of course had the scanner on. Not much doing over the lunch hour, but I did catch the Shore Line dispatcher talking to NR-2 in Old Saybrook. I guess they were out of my range for today. Oh, well. So I pulled off of the highway and headed for the boat launch on the north side of the Thames River drawbridge on the New London side of the river.

When I pulled in, it looked like workers were finishing placing another piece of steel on the west pier. So I got a quartet of shots, both telephoto and wide, of the ongoing work.

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I climbed back in the car, packed the gear away, and started across the river on the Gold Star Bridge heading for Groton. As I was crossing over the bridge, the scanner came alive, but it wasn’t a human voice, instead it was the chirp of an end-of-train makrer. Hmmm, a freight was around. Since I knew NR-2 was still in Saybrook, that only meant one thing – the New England Central was in town.

So I took a small side trip and got off of the highway onto Thames Street, then headed up Military Highway hoping to catch NECR train 608 across the river. As I approached the Nautilus, I spotted 608 across the river, led by the GP-38 known as “Barney” because of its awful purple paint scheme, heading south towards the yard. So I spun around and headed for the bottom of the P&W Fairivew Yard for an across the river perch.

I got there just as the train was coming into range. I got a series of shots as they headed through the US Coast Guard Academy – despite the haze still in the air from the screwy weather.

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And a couple images of the train heading into the yard. In the first one, be sure you check out the full size version. In the lower left corner is a tent city that’s sprung up at the north end of the yard.

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Now with the train in the yard, and out of view, I headed back to work. But one more stop was in order. A US Coast Guard cutter was anchored just outside of the channel, near Shaw’s Cove, so of course I took her portrait.


After that, the lens cap went on, camera hit the bag, and I passed through the gate to the employee parking lot. We’ll see if things settle down enough tomorrow for me to head out and get my walk in.

Thanks for looking!

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