Today I took Jill and we made a trip north to Stuart, FL to spend the morning to hopefully catch a few trains crossing the drawbridge. I did end up catching three trains after a few hours wait, but also had a scare. As the first train came across the […]
Another sunny morning here in southern Florida, and I of course had to take a trip to get a couple bagels up the road in Boca Raton. A quick peek at ATCS Monitor before leaving the house told me I had a northbound near Pompano, and at least one southbound […]
Well, quick one today. Jill & I went out for a bagel down at Einstein’s Bagels in Boca Raton, which just happens to be right next to the Florida East Coast’s main line. And on the way there, there’s an intermediate signal just past the Deerfield Beach/Boca town line. Well, […]
Got out this morning to do a little photography in southeastern Florida. I only caught one freight, but it was well worth it. And thanks to ATCS Monitor, it was a piece of cake getting into position to nab it.
OK, I’m going to keep this short & sweet – we’ve been in the car for the past 26 hours, and it’s late. Short version – I was able to catch my first Florida East Coast freight earlier this evening in the fading sunlight.
OK, catching up a bit here. I made it out on Tuesday for a bit – not only to catch some train action, but to also put my new high end point & shoot through it’s paces. I picked up a Canon G9 mainly for quick shots of the kids, […]
OK, to contrast Friday’s rainy day on the rails, the weather cooperated on Saturday. I attended a photo charter on the Catskill Mountain Railroad in Kingston, New York. The railroad recently reactivated, with the help of a virtual army of volunteers, about a mile long section of track within Kingston. […]
On rainy days, quite a few rail photographers would rather not leave the house instead of getting out and shooting. Well, I’m not one of them – the railroads run in all weather, and I shoot in all weather. This past Friday (April 4th) was no different – the only […]
Last day of my odd work schedule, so I was glad to have some sunlight and blue skies to work with this morning. What was even better was that I bagged 3 trains under those blue skies – the New England Central, Providence & Worcester and Amtrak. And something kinda […]
More crappy weather today, but that didn’t stop me from trying to catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2 somewhere around Norwich, CT this morning. Hey, I’ve only got 2 more tries before I go back to my usual work schedule. Same plan as yesterday – head north on Route 12 […]