NECR, P&W and Amtrak on the way in

Last day of my odd work schedule, so I was glad to have some sunlight and blue skies to work with this morning. What was even better was that I bagged 3 trains under those blue skies – the New England Central, Providence & Worcester and Amtrak. And something kinda cool about it – the shots were taken along the entire length of the Thames River – From Norwich at the north, to Groton at the south.

Once again, I started my day by heading north on Route 12, listening for the Jewett City detector as my sign of P&W train NR-2s presence. But something else caught my attention as I was going through downtown Norwich – a moving train on the NECR side of the tracks. With some good fortune with the traffic lights, I got to Chelsea Landing in time to catch NECR train 608 rolling along the new condos on Route 32.

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OK, not a bad start to the morning. But still nothing on the scanner about NR-2. So I set my sights on Route 12 northbound.

Just as I’m leaving Norwich, I pick up a broken transmission from what sounds like the Jewett City detector. OK, that must be NR-2 heading my way. Now where could I catch them? I figured I might try to get a bit further north and get them along Route 12. Well, that wasn’t in the cards – just as I pass the area of Taft’s Tunnel, a trio of headlights became visible through the trees ahead of me – here they come!

After a quick (and legal) turnaround, I was headed back south. I figured I’d head to the same spot near the intersection of 12 and 2. That’ll give me enough time to get into position before the trains’ arrival.

With about 3 minutes to spare, I got into position, and decided again on the wide angle lens. Even though I was nearly shooting into the sun, I figured it was worth it to bag this shot. Moments later, NR-2 came rolling into view.


And a wider shot, again getting the Quinnebaug River in the frame.


This time, NR-2 was a bit longer, so I didn’t have to run to the mailbox spot. I got there in time to catch the trailing unit passing by, this time with a different framing.


Not bad. OK, back to the car to check out the scanner – would NR-2 be working the yard again, or highballing south?

Back in the car, and as I passed by NR-2, I got the answer – they were working Norwich again. So that gave me time to head south and catch them at another spot. But where?

As I was getting closer to Stoddard Hill Park in Ledyard, I could see NECR 608 across the river. Stoddard is the spot!

I got there just before 608 came into view across the Thames, which gave me time to walk to the river’s edge. But while I was walking down to the river, NR-2 reported that they were south of MP12 and on the move south. That meant I wouldn’t have much of a wait. So as 608 came into view, I could see NR-2s headlights to the north. OK, the timing would be tight. So I started by getting a series of shots of 608 rolling down the opposite bank.

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As soon as they rolled out of view, NR-2 began sounding for the Norwich Hospital crossing a mile or so to the north. Now to pick my spot for them. I opted for a different angle here at Stoddard, taking advantage of the low tide, getting an angle that would normally require me getting quite wet. Not much later, NR-2 came rolling onto the causeway between the cove and the Thames.


Then the trailing power


Not bad. OK, now can I get them crossing the Thames?

Short answer – NO. I ended up catching up to NR-2 at the Nautilus, and soon after that they contacted the Amtrak Shore Line dispatcher to see when they could head west. He said they’d be following 171 – which judging by my previous experiences was a good 20 minutes away. So I made a quick stop at the overlook south of the drawbridge, and got a quick shot of Amtrak train 190 crossing the drawbridge


Wrapping up the morning’s activities. From there, it was off to the office for the last day of class.

And now, pun intended, I no longer have class…yeah, it’s bad, I know…

Thanks for looking!

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