On Thursday the 28th I didn’t get a chance to head out in the daylight hours – we had a “happy hour” after work with our entire team, so I couldn’t miss that. But once that was wrapped up, I headed out for a while and managed to catch trains […]
Wednesday I managed to get out of work at a normal hour, and headed to Bound Brook for a little shooting. I figured I’d get something in before heading to the hotel for the night. Oh, how I was wrong there…
Prior to making the trip down to the Garden State, I had arranged some time with the folks at the Black River & Western Railroad in Ringoes, NJ to roam around their property and photograph whatever equipment they had in the area. But it wasn’t the usual run around in […]
Most of last week I was in New Jersey again, and with the limited daylight this time of year provides, most of my shooting was either at dusk or in the dead of the night. My first shots were on a cloudy Tuesday evening just before I checked into the […]
The Essex Steam Train is putting on a “Fright Train” this year – a Halloween themed train ride from Essex up to Chester and back. On the first night it ran, I decided to try something new – using the Lumedyne at dusk instead of in the darkness as I usually do. […]
After my slideshow at the Amherst Railway Society, I decided to spend the night up in Amherst instead of driving home in the wee hours. And since I was taking Wednesday off from work as well, I figured I could take a ride over to North Grafton, MA and see […]
On the 19th as you probably saw here I was presenting a slideshow up at the Amherst Railway Society’s October meeting. I decided to take the entire day off instead of rushing out of work and heading north. So I took that opportunity to do a little work around the […]
On Sunday the 17th I had to run down to Stop-N-Shop for some last minute supplies for dinner. Heading out there things were quiet in Willimantic – traffic waiting for the PW to pick up, and no activity in the NECR yard. The trip back home, however, things were a […]
Fall in New England brings plenty of cloudy days along with the changing color on the trees. On Friday the 15th I managed to get out and shoot a bit, catching an Amtrak Acela, Northeast Regional and a work extra over lunch, then a New England Central ethanol extra later […]
Back on the 14th I managed to get out and catch a couple Providence & Worcester trains – NR2 and the empty ethanol K667. The color was just starting to change down in southeastern Connecticut, and I managed to get some of that color into a couple shots. I also […]