Yesterday I managed to get out for a bit and take advantage of the bright blue skies and warm weather down here in southeastern Connecticut. And as things worked out, I got out for a little bit over lunch because of some unforeseen circumstances at work. When all was said […]
Yearly Archives: 2009
Yesterday I headed down to the Connecticut Eastern Railroad Museum to check out the damage for myself (see this post for details on the vandalism). Also, as I found out last minute there was a blacksmithing demonstration also occurring – so that would put a nice positive spin on things. […]
This morning Providence & Worcester train NR-2 was running earlier that usual, so I decided to mix things up and shoot them somewhere different. While doing that I came across New England Central train NERWNE as well. Hey, two trains in a matter of minutes without even having to move […]
Yesterday I was able to make it out a couple times – once at the usual morning time, and once over the lunch hour. The morning was some typical Providence & Worcester action, and at lunchtime I happened across an eastbound Acela under some interesting skies.
As quite a few of you may know, I’m a member and volunteer at the Connecticut Eastern Railroad Museum in Willimantic, CT. Well, last night (11/3/09) the museum was broken into and quite heavily vandalized. Click here for the story, including some photos of the damage, from the Hartford Courant. […]
This morning had a small window where I could get out and shoot a bit – and today also had a little advantage. Nick Palazini and Nate Lafond were chasing Providence & Worcester train NR-2 south out of Plainfield, CT. They’d be able to give me a heads up on […]
Yesterday I was able to get out for a bit to catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2 in the morning – trying to take advantage of some of the last remaining fall color down in southeastern Connecticut. In addition to that, later in the evening I managed to catch a […]
For the past couple weeks, there have been talk and sightings of a coach destined for the Valley Railroad in Essex, CT. Well, it finally completed the last leg of its journey from New Hampshire to Essex this morning on Providence & Worcester train NR-2. And as things worked out, […]
So the weather’s been crappy lately, but as usual that never stopped me from getting out and shooting. And this time of year, the colors are just starting to peak down in southeastern Connecticut, so even cloudy gloomy days are somewhat colorful. And boy were Tuesday and Wednesday pretty cloudy […]
Quite the day today turned out to be. It started out under sunny blue skies, with some changing foliage along the Thames River, and ended in the dark, with some more of that nice New England color. But that ending also had a piece of Florida in the picture – […]