Who cares if it’s raining?

I sure don’t.  The railroads run 24/7 in any weather – so why should they only be documented on sunny days?  And with today’s deluge, I figured it was a good opportunity to show a little railroading in the crappy, dreary weather, while getting out for a bit.

“A 6 year old can take a decent pic in the sun” – Tom Mik

Today was not the day for 6 year olds and their cameras – hell, if I was smart it wouldn’t have been my day either.  But I figured it was worth a shot – rainy days down along the Thames River usually also have some fog along with it, especially at this time of year – so if things worked out, the condition should add a bit of drama to the photos.  Thinking about where to shoot was more of the challenge – and I decided to head up to Mill Cove in Ledyard once again.  I haven’t been there in over a month, so I figured it would be worthwhile to head down there – plus, there’s usually some nice fog hanging out just to the north near Red Top.

Getting there, it was how I hoped – rainy, dreary, and a little hint of fog hanging in the air.  Now all I needed was the P&W to show up – which only took a few minutes.  Once they were on the scene, I got a few shots as they progressed along the cove, and wrapped things up with a few pan shots of some of the rolling stock.  At that point I was pretty wet – not to mention satisfied with what I shot (whether or not it’s as good as a 6 year old can do remains to be seen), so I decided to call it a morning, drying myself and my cameras off and heading back to the office.

Oh, yeah, you came here for photos, not to read these pesky words.  So here you go – I’ll let the pictures do the rest of the talking!


Thanks for looking!