Two days of P&W NR-2

Finally catching up on things, I decided to do a two-fer today. Since I didn’t get a chance to write up my entry for yesterday’s Providence & Worcester NR-2 shootings, I figured that I’d do it all in one entry. Saves me a bit of time, and it gets things out quicker. So here goes…

Monday and Tuesday were similar in that they were quite cloudy, but at least today there was more blue sky visible than yesterday. And it shows in the photos.

P&W NR-2 – 6/11/2007

I headed out for my walk at the usual time, and decided I’d head for Erickson Park again. Maybe I can get creative with the flat lighting of the day. Well, as I fired up the scanner in the car for the quick trip north, I heard NR-2 working in Fairview. Damn, they’re early again!

As I was heading for Fairview, the crew was talking with the Amtrak Shore Line dispatcher, looking for permission to head east on Track 4. So a quick change in direction, and I was at the curve east of Groton Interlocking. A minute later, the train got permission to head east on track 4.

[cpg_imagefixthumb:3336] [cpg_imagefixthumb:3335] [cpg_imagefixthumb:3334]

Since they would be switching for a while, I decided to head back to the office with only a short walk under my belt. Hey, at least it was something. And the sky didn’t look too promising…

P&W NR-2 – 6/12/2007

With some more blue sky than clouds today, I figured a walk up around Red Top would be in order. So I headed for the MP4 area, parked the car, grabbed my gear and headed out for a trackside walk. As I was leaving the car, the scanner came alive with Rod reporting that NR-2 was south of MP12 and about 15 minutes from the sub base. Perfect.

While walking, I noticed some wild roses along the tracks just north of MP4. So I climbed up the embankment and checked out the angles. I think it might work out. But the flowers were in the shadows. Just as I was thinking that, my cellphone rang. It was fellow photographer, and good friend Bob LaMay. He was wondering if I was out on my walk and where I was. Turns out he was a couple miles south of me at Fairview. Having lost his scanner, he also asked if I knew where NR-2 was. I told him they were about 5 minutes from my position and he should expect them soon after that.

Once I hung up with Bob, I decided to head back to the car to get my flash so I can try to even out the lighting with the bright sky and dark flowers. As I opened the car door, I heard distant horns – NR-2 was sounding for the crossings at Dow, a mile to my north. They were only moments away. So I grabbed the flash and headed back to my spot for some quick test shots. I decided on the 15mm fisheye lens for this shot – getting most of the flowers, and quite a bit of sky in the frame.
4 or 5 test shots later, and I had the exposure pretty much right. Moments later, NR-2s headlights were visible just north of Red Top and heading my way. I waited for the train to hit the right spot, then I tripped the trigger. Contrary to what I usually do when I’m out shooting – machine gunning the subject – I shot one frame. I think I nailed it. πŸ™‚


I tried a few other shots, which honestly didn’t work out well. So you won’t see ’em here. πŸ˜‰

After a quick walk back to the car, it was south to meet up with Bob at Fairview. I got there just as NR-2 was heading south with a cut of Tilcon cars destined for Midway. I got a couple shots of the train moving past our position.

[cpg_imagefixthumb:3329] [cpg_imagefixthumb:3328]

From there, Bob was heading over to shoot the train at the spot east of Groton Interlocking (see above), and I headed back to work. So we bid eachother farewell, and went our ways.

As luck would have it – Bob’s luck that is – I had my scanner on during my trip back. Turns out NR-2 was heading across the river to the NECR first, and not Midway. So Bob was in the wrong position. But NR-2 would have to wait for a pair of Amtraks to clear before heading west over the Thames River. A quick call to his cell gave him the info he needed to shoot the Amtraks, then get over the river to catch NR-2 in New London. There, I did my good deed for the day. My Scoutmaster would be proud. πŸ˜‰

Thanks for looking!