More catching up – here’s a look at the continuation of the ethanol extra on the Providence & Worcester side of the river Thursday morning (here’s the post about the southbound trip on the NECR). Yep, the moonshine is moving about…
Still playing catch-up, so here’s some stuff from last week. Another busy week, so my ability to get out was limited. Making the best of it, I headed up to the USS Nautilus Overlook Park in Groton a couple times, getting some shots of trains and submarines in the same […]
Phew, once again I’m running a bit behind…story of my life. But I did manage to get out a bit last week and grab a nice variety of moves – some pretty run of the mill, and a couple that were quite unique. Too bad the unique ones were a […]
Got a bit behind lately with the posts – but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t out shooting at all. Actually, it was less than usual, but here’s part one of two wrapping up the last week or so of stuff along the Thames River. This one covers April 30th to […]
So I managed to get out a few times last week – including one night jaunt shooting both the Providence & Worcester and New England Central (both sporting “foreign” power). Other stuff from the week was the P&W and NECR in daylight – including an ethanol move, along with a […]
Finally feeling better so I’m back to work, and starting to get back into the swing of things. I was actually back at work yesterday, but had to skip the sunny skies for playing catch-up for my time out sick. But this morning I had a couple meetings get rescheduled […]
Starting out a new month with the waters around the Thames receding from our recent bout with lots and lots of water – and a little luck as things panned out. Actually, I wasn’t exactly expecting to get out & shoot after hearing Amtrak had shut down all service between […]
I sure don’t. The railroads run 24/7 in any weather – so why should they only be documented on sunny days? And with today’s deluge, I figured it was a good opportunity to show a little railroading in the crappy, dreary weather, while getting out for a bit.
Busy evening last night and busy day today, so this is a little catch up from yesterday’s shooting. I was able to catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2 under some different weather conditions. And throw into the mix Amtrak train 171 at the start of things. Oh, yeah, and like […]
Today was a dreary, foggy, drizzly Monday, and one that I thought I wouldn’t get a chance to head out. Well, some things this morning happened sooner than I th0ught, and some other things happened later, making the cosmic convergence possible. OK, not cosmic, but, well, you get my drift […]