And from today – the third day of 90 degree plus weather – a full fledged heat wave. And it was hot out there this morning! At least there wasn’t a thick overcast like yesterday – I had sun to work with! And a bit of conversation while waiting to […]
Monday was to be day two of 90 degree temps here in Connecticut, and it did not dissapoint. I was able to get out in the morning and catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2. They said the haze and fog would burn off quickly – but in my case, not […]
Was able to get out a couple more times this week to catch P&W train NR-2 – yesterday while it was raining, and today when the sun was shining. Luckily yesterday, I got a heads-up from Nick Palazini who was chasing the train out of Plainfield with David Telesha so […]
I figured today would be a good one to take advantage of the blue skies and sunshine before the weather hit the shitter for the rest of the week. So I did my usual, and headed up to Erickson Park in Ledyard in hopes of catching Providence & Worcester train […]
Despite a hazy, foggy start, this morning ended up being pretty nice weather-wise. Along with the sunny, and somewhat hazy skies, there wasn’t a breath of wind. And when there’s no wind, there’s sure to be calm, glass-like water. Today wasn’t an exception – both the Thames River and Mill […]
Yesterday I spent the day in bed at home with a nasty, but thankfully short-lived, cold. When I got up, I wasn’t quite feeling up to par this morning, so I opted to head in a little late and get a little more sleep. As things ended up working out, […]
Finally, some summer-like weather is upon us, including bright blue sunny skies. This morning I was able to take advantage of the beautiful weather conditions on two different occasions – one on my way into work, and the other a bit later on. And The Hartford I’m talking about isn’t […]
Glorious sunshine. Had another day of blue skies and that bright orb in the sky that has been in such short supply lately. That coupled with a hole in my schedule this morning gave me the opportunity to head out and catch a little action. As things unfolded, I also […]
Today we were graced with something we haven’t seen in quite a while – blue skies and sunshine! So I had to take advantage of the great weather and get out. Of course, things didn’t exactly go as planned – but like always, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Just […]
Gloomy, gloomy skies. Seems like that past few weeks have seen nothing but clouds, rain & storms. Well, this morning was no different – overcast, but no rain. But with a small hole in my schedule I decided to head out to see what I could see on a walk. […]