I didn’t get a chance to head out today – kinda swamped at work. So instead of not posting anything, I took a break from the Olympics and scanned a couple slides in. At least we’ll keep things somewhat fresh here…granted the pictures are at least 6 years old…
Snowbirds – the term used for people who live here in the north and “migrate” south to Florida in the winters. As some of you may know, a pair of Florida East Coast Railway GP40s have been leased to the New England Central Railroad, and are making their way up […]
Bob LaMay and I went up to Boston for our annual ritual on Saturday – attending the Mystic Valley Railway Society’s calendar judging luncheon. This event was for the MVRS’ 2011 calendar. And also as we usually do, we shoot along the way. This time we ended up catching some […]
On the first day of December, I had a small hole in my daytime schedule to get out for a bit. But as sometimes happens, things don’t go as planned. As I usually plan on doing, I was going to bag Providence & Worcester train NR-2 in Ledyard, and perhaps […]
Saturday night I attended the Berkshire Scenic Railway Museum’s night shoot. This was the 4th year that they’ve done it, and as with the previous three times, I lent a hand and Steve Barry from Railfan & Railroad did the lighting. Things started out a little iffy with torrential downpours, […]
I had made plans with Nick Palazini to try and do a little shooting along PanAm Railway’s District 3 and 4 on Saturday night. Hopefully we would catch something along the way. Our plans started out as meeting up at East Deerfield and playing it by ear from there. Of […]
Last night I did a slideshow for the Northeast Prototype Modelers Meet out in Collinsville, CT. The show was on railroads at night, and went over rather well. Since I was out and about anyways, I decided to meet up with fellow photographers Nick Palazini and Dave Jodoin somewhere up […]
As some of you may know, a trio of New York, Susquehanna and Western SD70Ms that are being leased by RailAmerica were sent from the Florida East Coast Railway to the New England Central for some repairs. Well, as luck had it, CSX spotted the three on the east end […]
I was going through some old files on one of my PCs, and I came across some video. So I encoded it and uploaded it to YouTube. I’ll be doing this every now & then just to mix things up a bit. Trust me, it’s not the greatest stuff (there’s […]
Saturday night I was asked if my Lumedyne and I could join a couple other photographers up in Grafton, MA to shoot the Grafton & Upton power. With nothing on the schedule, I accepted their offer.