Mass Bay RRE picnic presentation

FYI, I’ll be putting on a presentation for the Mass Bay Railroad Enthusiasts‘ annual trackside picnic as the featured presenter for the event.  I’ve picked out a couple dozen photos that span the past decade or so that have interesting “backstories” to them.  And what I mean by backstories is either something interesting happened to me while getting the shot, or there’s some sort of story around the photo itself.

Anyways, the presentation will be at the Steaming Tender Restaurant in Palmer, MA at 2PM.  Check with the Mass Bay RRE folks about admission, etc.  Information can be found here on their Meetings Page.

And yes, I’ll get around to posting some photos soon.  Been a busy month or so at work, so there hasn’t been much time to process what I’ve shot.  Stay tuned, though…I’ve got a pretty big backlog of stuff to post up…
