Dad-Daughter day, part two

I took last Friday off, and decided to take my younger daughter Callie out again for a little railfanning and photography (see this post for our last outing shooting P&W NR-4X).  Since Katina was in school, Callie again got to use her camera while we were out.  We had a time constraint this time, though – she had to be back home by 11:30am to get ready for ballet practice.  That should give us enough time to catch at least one train.  As it turned out, we caught a train, and had a little time to shoot down at UConn’s Avery Point campus.

By the time we got out of the house, I figured we could easily catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2 at Mill Cove & Erickson Park in Ledyard.  Well, we did get there about 10 minutes ahead of the train, giving us time to walk around and figure out the best spot.  We opted for shooting from the boat launch on the north end of the cove.  After that, we went down along the Thames River in Groton – one just south of the Thames River lift bridge, and the other was at UConn’s Avery Point campus at the mouth of the Thames.

As with last time Callie & I went out, Callie showed me her shots as we went along, and of course she was in a number of my shots.  And once we were done at Avery Point, we had just enough time to get home and get her ready for ballet.


Thanks for looking!