M-42 Up Close & Personal

Just got in from a little shooting session with the telescope.  Brr, it’s cold out there – but the wind was non-existent and the air was dry.  Put that all together, and that means is that seeing was pretty darned good – no turbulence in the air, and no wind to bat around the scope.  But I’m still working on getting my deep sky shooting technique back, so the shot I got isn’t exactly top notch, but still wanted to share.

At just over 2 minutes long, you can see a little movement in the stars of this shot of the Orion Nebula (M-42).  I think I need to break down and get a counterweight set for the scope to balance things out.  The 40D does throw the scope out of balance more than my old Minolta SLR did back when I got it in the late 80’s


Hey, live & learn…

Thanks for looking!

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