Horsepower in Franklin

On Sunday August 16th we took the kids on a little mystery ride to check out some horsepower – not the multiple thousands of horsepower that you regular readers are used to, but rather the unit of power those ratings are derived from.  Yep, we’re talking about Equus ferus caballus – actual horses.  In Franklin, CT the Franklin Lions Club was putting on their 39th annual Horse Show, so we decided to surprise the girls and bring them over to watch for a while.

Well, needless to say, the girls had a blast, and I took a bunch of photos.  We spent a few hours there sitting in the shade, and enjoying the show.  It was our first time to the Lions Horse Show, and it sure won’t be our last – it was a very nice small-town horse show.  Only thing I wish we did different was to come earlier.  Shooting under high noon sun is always a challenge.  Looking at things, I think I did OK… 🙂  Anyways, here’s the photos.


Thanks for looking!