Cowboy Mounted Shooting – CT Renegades on the 4th of July, Part I

CT Renegades Cowboy Mounted ShootingBack on the 4th of July I headed up to the Double Nickel Ranch in Granby, CT to shoot one of my favorite non-railroad subject to photograph – a sport known as Cowboy Mounted Shooting.  The Connecticut Renegades were hosting a four stage match on the 4th, and I was able to take advantage of the nice weather and spend the day with the team photographing all four stages.  And as a bonus, after the 4th stage was done, a new shooter got a chance to try her hand at a little more than her cap pistol…

On Monday July 4th the Connecticut Renegades hosted a four stage match, with one of the stages having some different “obstacles” built into the course.  I was able to stick around for the four stages, along with the finale where a younger shooter, who traversed each stage herself with a cap pistol, got a chance to fire an actual .45 at some balloons.

First Stage


Continue to Part II

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