Cloudy morning NR-2 with some flowers

When I left the house this morning, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky, but the further south I went, the thicker the clouds became. By the time I got to work, there was a pretty solid overcast over the Groton area. Maybe it would clear up by the time I took my walk later in the morning. Well, no such luck, but of course I still snapped a few pictures of Providence & Worcester train NR-2 heading south along Mill Cove in Ledyard. This time, though, I tried some different angles.

While taking my walk around Erickson Park in Ledyard, some wild roses caught my eye. So of course I grabbed a shot of the fresh blooms.


And while shooting the bush of flowers, a couple new angles struck my eye – ones that would be much wider than I’ve been previously shooting. So once I picked out my two spots, seperated by only a dozen or so yards, I waited for NR-2 to show up. A few moments later, the train sounded for the crossings at Dow Chemical to the north, then a couple minutes later for the crossing at Red Top a couple hundred yards to my right.

Moments later, I grabbed this shot of the two lead locomotives framed by a pair of odd looking trees


Then I ran back down to the wild rose bush, and framed up these shots of the passing train

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Not too bad. I like the second one the best, followed by the first. The first, I think, needs a shallower depth of field to blur out the train a bit more. But that’s me. I do plan on trying these shots again when it’s sunny out. The shadows may be tough at this time of year with the sun’s position. We’ll see…

And for “old time’s sake” I grabbed a telephoto shot of the trailing locomotive heading towards the south end of Mill Cove


And finally wrapped things up and headed back to the office. Maybe tomorrow, if it’s sunny, I can refine the shots while the bushes still have blooms on them.

Thanks for looking!