The hazy days of summer are still hanging on around here. But I did manage to get out for my walk today, and catch some action – both of the rail and nautical variety. I bagged Providence & Worcester train NR-2 at Mill Cove in Ledyard, took a few shots […]
Railroad Photography
Quickie here – I finally got a chance to develop the last roll of film I shot, and scan a couple frames. Here’s one from my 8/30/07 report about P&W train NR-2 – a shot of the train crossing over the Thames River drawbridge back towards track 4 in Groton […]
Well, I found myself in the area of Westfield and West Springfield, MA this evening. Of course I had to stop off and do a little railfanning along the way. Ended up catching all of two trains, and some shut down power. But it’s better than nothing!
Well, I didn’t get a chance to get out for my walk today due to a busy day in the office. But I did manage to duck out over lunch for a bit to check things out from the New London side of the Thames River. No trains, but I […]
September has barely begun, and I’m already starting to see fall colors around southeastern Connecticut – even close to the shoreline, which traditionally has had a late color season. Maybe this year it’ll be early. Time will tell.
OK, I know you Providence & Worcester railroad aficionados are all asking “what the hell is NR-1 – there’s a couple jobs that work the Norwich Branch out of Plainfield, CT, NR-2 and NR-3, but no NR-1 nowadays you idiot!” Well, don’t let your panties get in a bunch folks […]
Ahhh, beautiful scenery, nearly perfect weather, and trains running at your will. No, this isn’t some elaborate layout, instead it’s the real thing – but this time the photographers were running around in the dark also. This past Saturday was the 2nd Annual Berskshire Scenic Railway Museum Night Photo Shoot […]
Phew. What a busy weekend, that did in fact include some railroad photography. First up is what happened last Thursday on my walk. I ended up taking Friday off to take care of some stuff around the house because I knew I had a busy weekend ahead of me. But […]
FYI, one of my photos from the first P&W coal train to Johnson City, NY back in 2005 is currently featured over on the Photographer’s Railroad Page as the September 1st edition, and will be there until 9/15. Feel free to poke around the archives too – there’s a ton […]
A bit behind again today. I did get out yesterday and shot Providence & Worcester train NR-2 up along Stoddard Cove in Ledyard, CT, as well as an unusual move over the Thames River drawbridge. I also did get out today and bagged NR-2 at Mill Cove, then shot some […]