Yesterday it was pouring rain, under gloomy skies. Today sported glorious cloudless blue skies. So I decided to do similar shots to yesterday’s, just to see the difference between the two drastically different weather conditions.
Railroad Photography
Not sure what made me think of this slide, but I dug it out and gave it a scan tonight. It’s of the interior of the Providence & Worcester Railroad’s observation car New Englander loaded with passengers speeding down the tracks. It was taken on October 18, 2003 on a […]
Despite the crappy weather today, I did manage to get out for a brief walk and caught Providence & Worcester train NR-2 in Ledyard amongst the raindrops.
I had to come into work late today (daughters had their 6 month dentist appointment, and it’s usually a two person job), so I wasn’t able to head out for my normal walk in Ledyard. But on my way into work from the appointment in Colchester, I was listening to […]
What else is new, I’m a bit behind. At least it’s only a couple days, and not more…heh… Going back to Friday morning here – I was able to catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2 during my (nearly) daily walk. Still not all that much in the way of fall […]
I was able to take advantage of the sunshine this morning and head to Mill Cove in Ledyard, CT for my walk and photo session with Providence & Worcester train NR-2. I also got a couple extras – an Acela down on the Thames River drawbridge, and a jellyfish. Yep, […]
Well, yesterday I did manage to get out in time to catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2 (unlike today – I missed them completely because I couldn’t get out in time – oh, well, ya gotta strike out from time to time…). I had enough time to get up to […]
Running behind again. So here’s a quickie from last Friday. I was only able to catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2 at the USS Nautilus, but there was some really funky clouds in the sky ahead of some crappy weather that rolled in for later in the day and Saturday.
Today, with the crappy weather, my “honey-do” list got mostly put on the back burner. So after I put up the flagpole in the front yard and hoisted Old Glory, I headed for the bathroom/darkroom to soup up a couple rolls of T-MAX 400. Once they were dried enough I […]
Another crappy morning weather-wise today. But I tore myself away from the office to get a couple quick shots of Providence & Worcester train NR-2 in Groton in between the sporadic raindrops.