From time to time I’ll get people asking me why I shoot what they consider to be mundane photos. By mundane, I mean trains that have run on the same schedule forever, or even pieces of railroad equipment that have been static for literally decades. Well, in most cases, especially […]
Railroad Photography
Today we were graced with something we haven’t seen in quite a while – blue skies and sunshine! So I had to take advantage of the great weather and get out. Of course, things didn’t exactly go as planned – but like always, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Just […]
Gloomy, gloomy skies. Seems like that past few weeks have seen nothing but clouds, rain & storms. Well, this morning was no different – overcast, but no rain. But with a small hole in my schedule I decided to head out to see what I could see on a walk. […]
Yep, Providence & Worcester train NRWO, who usually runs from Plainfield to Worcester and back weeknight evenings, made their way out the Willimantic Branch this evening to work the interchange with the New England Central. And I just happened to catch them as they were heading out of town.
So this morning I had a bit of time in my schedule to head out and take advantage of the nice weather and go for a walk. I decided on trying to get up to a spot a bit north and hopefully catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2 along the […]
This past Saturday June 13th was the 6th Annual Night Photo Shoot at the Connecticut Eastern Railroad Museum in Willimantic. We had to top last year’s shoot, which included the use of the turntable in a number of shots. This year the volunteers came through again, and kicked things up […]
Last Friday I had taken the day off, and had to head down to the shoreline to take care of something in the morning. As things worked out I ran into Providence & Worcester train NR-2 on the way down, but somewhat unfortunatley, it was in the pouring rain. Well, […]
Yesterday was another less than stellar weather day. But like usual, that doesn’t stop me from going out to shoot when I can. After work I decided to head west to a new spot for me – Phillipsburg, NJ, which is home to the Phillipsburg Railroad Historians‘ museum near the […]
Wednesday was a day of showers and heavy overcast. So instead of shooting in daylight – and with the continuing trackwork on the Lehigh Line, there was the potential of no trains – I decided to take it easy, and have a leisurely dinner before heading out to shoot. My […]
Tuesday actually had some sunshine to work with. So after work, I decided to head west to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and see what I could see around the old Bethlehem Steel plant on the Lehigh Line. As things worked out, I caught a couple trains there, as well as shot a […]