This past Wednesday I met up with a rail photographer from Cincinnati, Ohio who was visiting the area. He had contacted me a while back asking about the Providence & Worcester along the Thames River. So I offered to meet him and show him around. Wednesday was that day.
Railroad Photography
Last Saturday, before the BSRM Night Photo Shoot, my older daughter had a birthday party to go to, so I had some one-on-one time with the little one. Well, when she asked me to go take pictures of trains, I gladly obliged! Since there wasn’t much going on around here, […]
This morning I was able to get out for my walk, but things didn’t go exactly as planned. In fact, they were pretty much made up on the fly – the scanner was unusually quiet when Providence & Worcester train NR-2 was usually talking. So I took that as a […]
Today I had a busy morning, so I couldn’t head out to catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2 like I usually do. But I did have to leave early to get to a doctor’s appointment – and the way to the doctor’s office takes me right through New London. I […]
Saturday night I attended the Berkshire Scenic Railway Museum’s night shoot. This was the 4th year that they’ve done it, and as with the previous three times, I lent a hand and Steve Barry from Railfan & Railroad did the lighting. Things started out a little iffy with torrential downpours, […]
Yesterday I was running a little late in getting out of the house, so I didn’t get on the road at my usual time. But like usual, I had my scanner on during the 40+ mile commute to the office. That told me a couple things – first that New […]
And from today – the third day of 90 degree plus weather – a full fledged heat wave. And it was hot out there this morning! At least there wasn’t a thick overcast like yesterday – I had sun to work with! And a bit of conversation while waiting to […]
Monday was to be day two of 90 degree temps here in Connecticut, and it did not dissapoint. I was able to get out in the morning and catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2. They said the haze and fog would burn off quickly – but in my case, not […]
I was going to get up early on Tuesday morning and head out before work. But I slept through my alarm, so that plan was out the window. Instead I decided to head west to Phillipsburg, NJ after I was done at work. Hopefully the 40 minute drive west would […]
I had to go down to New Jersey again for work this week – but this time it was only for a few days. Still, like usual, the camera bag came along for the ride. Here’s some of what I shot on Monday evening.