“What the hell is he talking about now?” is what you’re probably thinking. Read on and you’ll find out for yourself.
Heading home after dinner in Colchester tonight, I noticed something on the Colchester green – a large fire. But this was no barbecue dinner. I then remembered that today was Flag Day – the American Legion was burning old worn & tattered US flags in their annual flag burning ceremony […]
Today I couldn’t make my walk in the morning, so I decided to head for Old Saybrook over lunch. The weather was kinda crappy, but hopefullyI’d at least catch a train or two while I was there.
Well, I was looking for a change of pace today when I headed out for my walk. So I headed a bit further north into Preston to check things out. Change of pace was the word for the day, that’s for sure.
Finally catching up on things, I decided to do a two-fer today. Since I didn’t get a chance to write up my entry for yesterday’s Providence & Worcester NR-2 shootings, I figured that I’d do it all in one entry. Saves me a bit of time, and it gets things […]
This past Saturday evening, the Connecticut Eastern Railroad Museum hosted its fourth annual night photo shoot. 18 photographers from Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York & New Jersey converged on Willimantic for a wet evening of trains, photos & flashes. UPDATED 6/12/07 – added 2 more photos.
Sorry ’bout the outage today. We were at a family function in Long Island, NY, and got home to blinking lights. Aparently the power went out for longer than 15 minutes – the length of time the UPS keeps things chugging along. Oh, well, shit happens. 🙂 We’re back on […]
Well, with the sunny skies this morning, I figured I’d tweak the images I shot yesterday up at Mill Cove in Ledyard. So as I did yesterday, I headed for the cove area for my walk, ahead of the arrival of Providence & Worcester train NR-2.
When I left the house this morning, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky, but the further south I went, the thicker the clouds became. By the time I got to work, there was a pretty solid overcast over the Groton area. Maybe it would clear up by the time […]
Well, todays walk brought me to my regular spot – Erickson Park in Ledyard. But as I walked around, I was thinking that I was tired of the same angles I’ve been shooting. So I was looking for something new.