Gotta love Mondays – they never go as planned. Today was no different, but it wasn’t too bad overall. No trains, but I did catch the return of a Bulgarian freighter into the State Pier in New London, CT.
We continued our annual tradition and attended the Lebanon, CT fireworks display last night. Another great showing of the rocket’s red glare and bombs bursting in air!
A foggy and somewhat humid morning, turned out to be decent photographically speaking. After a couple day hiatus, I got back to my normal daily walk, and I figured a trip to Erickson Park in Ledyard would do the trick. So I left at my normal time, and arrived at […]
Well, today I didn’t take my normal walk – in fact I didn’t shoot the P&W or Amtrak at all. I saved it all for a longish lunch in Essex. Yep, Paramount Studios was filming the next Indiana Jones movie today at the Valley Railroad, so I headed down there […]
I wish everyone here in the USA a happy, healthy and safe 4th of July. Enjoy the cookouts, celebrations and fireworks, but most of all, think of our troops serving overseas. No matter what you think of our current situation in the country, they’re defending your right to have and […]
Well, I decided to scan a few slides in tonight. I broke out some of the shots I took at the Westover Air Reserve Base airshow back on August 14, 2004.
I took the scenic route into work this morning – about 45 minutes out of my way in fact. I did catch a little P&W action at the (almost) usual time, but the side trip on the way into the office was interesting as well. I headed a bit further […]
As per specs, Mondays don’t usually go as planned. I was thinking about heading up to Stoddard Hill for some shots by Stoddard Cove of Providence & Worcester train NR-2 rolling south. But alas, that wasn’t in the cards. But out of misfortune sometimes comes opportunity. That opportunity would manifest […]
Well, somewhat similiar to Wednesday, I ended up catching a couple trains – there was one Providence & Worcester, and one New England Central. The only difference was it was a different P&W train I caught, in a different location.
I decided to head for a little change of scenery this morning for my walk & P&W NR-2 photo session. So I made my way to Stoddard Hill park in Ledyard, only a few miles (about 3) north of my usual spot. It was a kind of gloomy morning, with […]