Another very nice day today – a touch more humidity in the air, but still a pretty darned nice morning. I figured I’d head out at the normal time and head for Erickson Park in Ledyard for my walk. Well, that wouldn’t be in the cards today – it seems […]
What a glorious day it was today – crystal clear blue skies, next to no humidity, and a gentle breeze. Of course I headed out for my walk as usual today, but of course things wouldn’t go as planned.
Well, I had to head into Willimantic right after work today, so I took Route 32 north instead of my usual route up 87 towards home. Since 32 parallels the New England Central Railroad’s mainline the entire way through Connecticut, I had my scanner on hoping to run into NECR […]
Yech – clouds & rain this morning. I still headed out for my walk, but there wasn’t much walking to do because of the downpour. It did let up a bit at the end, so I did get something in before P&W train NR-2 got on the scene, so at […]
Well, I didn’t get a chance to post anything last night, and for a good reason. My wife & I took the Valley Railroad’s comedy train, called “Laugh Tracks” – I’ll post a review of it at some point in the near future (short story – we enjoyed it!). Here’s […]
Well, a busy morning kept me from taking my walk at the usual time, so I figured a quick trip to the Old Saybrook Amtrak station was in order over lunch. I’d get a walk in, along with some stairs hopefully hopping between platforms. Only problem is it was freaking […]
Well, if they’re not working there, they were at least getting a tour of the facility this evening on my way home from work.
Another muggy, foggy, hazy day today. But it wasn’t that hot – at least that made it bearable. So I made it out for my walk at the usual time, and headed, as usual, to Erickson Park in Ledyard. The sun was in and out, so the photo portion should […]
Another dreary Monday here in southeastern Connecticut. Cloudy, humid and the threat of showers for the entire day. But what the hell, I still went out for my walk this morning. Being a Monday, things didn’t go as planned, but as I usually say – that usually means something better […]
Well, today I decided to give my Graflex Pacemaker 23 Speed Graphic camera a whirl. The thing with the older all manual cameras is it requires you to slow down and actually think about everything you’re doing. Well, needless to say, I was rushed a bit and missed a couple […]