NECR 610 on the way home

Well, I had to head into Willimantic right after work today, so I took Route 32 north instead of my usual route up 87 towards home. Since 32 parallels the New England Central Railroad’s mainline the entire way through Connecticut, I had my scanner on hoping to run into NECR train 610 working somewhere. Looking at my watch, I figured I would see them either in Franklin, or switching the CC Lonsbury facility in South Windham.

Well, my second guess was right – as I passed the intersection of 32 and 207 in Franklin, I started hearing crackly voices over the scanner on the NECR frequency. Heading further north, the voices became clearer, and it was a pretty sure thing that they were at the new Lonsbury facility just south of Route 203 in South Windham.

So I pulled into the driveway and found 610’s power across the grade crossing. A quick park, and a swap to the wide angle lens got me this shot as the train was shoving back.


While they were switching, a semi showed up, sans trailer, and waited patiently at the crossing.


Not to shabby for a crappy lit afternoon (but not top notch either…hey, I’ll take what I can get!). I then put the camera away, and got back on the road to Willimantic. Not a bad quickie 5 minute side trip.

Thanks for looking!