Seven years ago today, something horrific happened – a day I’ll never forget. I was traveling for work – on a 2 week assignment to assist some co-workers in Morris Plains, NJ with the implementation of a document management system (in fact, it’s the same team I’m now a part […]
Today was my 39th birthday. So to celebrate, I took the day off from work. For the first part of the day I chased Providence & Worcester train NR-2 from Lisbon to Groton, CT. Then I went home for a while. Then I decided to head out again, this time […]
OK, I can now finally let the cat outta the bag on this dual-domed NPCU I photographed up at the Amtrak Rensselaer shops. [cpg_imagefixthumb:7763] ABC’s Good Morning America show is doing a live broadcast from the rails on a nation-wide tour that is starting in Albany, then heading east into […]
Having friends who have friends in high places is a nice thing. And when I got a call from good friend, and fellow rail photographer Bob LaMay, asking if I’d like to come with him up to the Amtrak Rensselaer Shops in Rensselaer, NY I didn’t hesitate to say yes. […]
Last night, on my way to my daughter’s gymnastics rehearsal, I came across a monster New England Central Railroad train NERWPA getting ready to head north out of Willimantic. So since the timing and lighting were right, I took a quick 2 minute detour to catch a couple shots of […]
This past Monday I had another small hole open up in my morning schedule. So like usual when that happens, I headed out to catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2. The question would be this – since I had only a small window of time to work with, will the […]
Friday morning on my way into work, I noticed something odd while crossing over the Thames River on the Gold Star Bridge. So a quick ride down Thames Street was in order to investigate.
Got a couple posts to catch up on from last week. First up is from last Thursday of Providence & Worcester train NR-2 coming south through Ledyard & Groton. Also, got a couple shots of a passing ship.
Finally, caught up! This past Tuesday I had to head down to NJ for work, and like I usually do, I took the Acela from New London down to Newark Penn Station. On my way back to drop the rental car off in the afternoon, I decided to check things […]
This past Saturday was the third annual Berkshire Scenic Railway Museum’s Night Photo Shoot – one of the two regular shoots I participate in, and help plan (the other being the CT Eastern RR Museum in Willimantic – here’s the CERM 2008 night shoot). There was a light crowd of […]