An experiment at Shaw’s

This past Monday evening the Providence & Worcester Railroad ran an empty ethanol extra, symboled K667, down to New London.  As the timing worked out, I was able to get a quick shot of them shoving back into the New England Central yard.  But I did this one a little differently because of the time of day this happened – more as an experiment to see what happened.  Overall, I think it came out OK – not ideal, but not something I’d hit the delete key on.

When I left work on Monday I had the scanner on as I usually do.  On my way out, I heard P&W K667 heading out of Groton – but could I make it to shoot them at Shaw’s Cove?  Well, by the time I made it over the river and through New London, they had already cleared Shaw’s Cove interlocking, and began their shove back into the NECR yard.  OK, I could get a quick going away shot.  But with the time change it was getting dark earlier – and to top things off there was a pretty heavy overcast, with some showers sweeping through.  I figured I had time to set up my Lumedyne and see how it carried over a longer distance towards the bridge.

As I pulled in and started to get the gear together, the head end was only about 20 car lengths from me.  So I did a quick setup, a couple quick test shots, and then the power made its way onto the bridge.  I squeezed off this shot


Not too bad.  The Lumedyne didn’t have the coverage I had hoped (probably should have used the narrower reflector in hindsight), but it came out OK.

As the train pulled away from me, I packed up and headed up to Storrs where I met Jill & the girls for dinner.

Thanks for looking!

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