An Acela, The Maasdam, a Los Angeles and NECR 610

Well today was a bit busy at work, so I didn’t get a chance to head out at my normal time for my walk. It would have to wait until after lunch, and even then, it would have to be shorter than normal. I figured that, despite the harsh midday lighting, I’d check out the Maasdam, a cruise ship that made a port of call in New London today. So I headed north a bit to check things out. I did have the scanner on, and NECR train 610 was working the New London yard. But I didn’t have time to head across the river to check things out there. So today would be a nautical based walk.

I got to the spot where I normally shoot trains crossing the Thames River drawbridge, which is due east of where the Maasdam was moored at the State Pier. As I got there and started walking around, I heard a train whistle to the west – an Amtrak Acela was heading through New London station. OK, cool, I’d get a train shot afterall. So I waited for them to cross the bridge and got a few shots. This one really piqued my interest:


If you note in the background, there’s a sub coming south with a tug alongside (turns out it’s a Los Angeles class attack sub). OK, I’ll hang out here and get some shots of her heading out to sea. I did get her in a few scenes, including a couple with the Maasdam in the frame – I guess a kind of war & peace or work & pleasure kind of contrast.

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And my favorite of the bunch – a shot of the sub going away into the sunlight, with Fort Trumbull and it’s flag waving in the strong afternoon breeze.


Not too bad. After that I headed back to the office. On the way back I overheard P&W train NR-2 talking to the NECR job – NR-2 was on their way to New London to switch and would be there in 15 minutes. Oh, well, can’t win ’em all.

Later on, on my way home, I happened to stumble into NECR 610 working in Franklin, CT. Of course, I stopped to get a few shots of them working the north end of the facilities. Here’s a few shots of them doing their thing.

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From there it was time to head home. I did run into another railfan at Murphy Road, but for the life of me I can’t remember his name…at times I’m lucky I remember my own name! 😉

Thanks for looking!

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