Well, now that I rebuilt my Lumedyne battery (not only rebuilt it, but also increased its capacity by 50% over the factory rating), I figured a full-scale test would be in order. So I decided to head down to Essex, CT and shoot the Valley Railroad’s equipment after dark. I […]
Monthly Archives: November 2008
Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! Yeah, it’s still the 26th, but we’re having 20 people over tomorrow for Thanksgiving dinner, so I’ll be a bit preoccupied. Thank you all for coming back and checking things out each time I publish a post – I hope you’re enjoying […]
While waiting at Erickson Park for Providence & Worcester train NR-2 to come onto the scene, the weather went from some gorgeous morning light, to a pretty thick overcast. As I sat there debating whether or not to head back to the office and forgo shooting NR-2 on this now […]
Monday I was able to head out and take advantage of some nice morning sunshine. Not only was I able to catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2, but I also photographed one of the newest US Navy Virginia class fast attack submarines – the USS North Carolina heading back to […]
The day after my last trip to NJ, I was able to catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2 under some blue skies. The only problem was that I was only able to catch them at the USS Nautilus. But that’s not really a bad thing…
Had to go to New Jersey again for work last week, and as usual the camera came along for the ride. With the time change, and the fact that I’m kinda bored shooting from the platforms, I decided to do some different shots.
I had to run an errand in Willimantic tonight, so I was hoping to catch at least the two New England Central jobs in town. On the way in, I could hear NECR 608 working in the south end of the yard, but no sign of 610, or Providence & […]
This past Saturday night, Bob LaMay and I braved the wind & rain, and headed up to Worcester for a little night photo session. Up there, we met up with a few other photographers, and proceeded to take a few shots before the rain really started to come down. And […]
This week I’m taking a class whose schedule is set to the Central time zone. So it’s starting later than usual, and I’m also staying later. So, to make up for things, I’m coming into the office later than usual. And with Providence & Worcester train NR-2s early morning schedule, […]
“The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Words written by Thomas Jefferson in a letter to William Smith on November 13, 1787. Today is the day that we honor those who have served our country, and in some cases, […]