Today started off with me thinking that I wouldn’t be able to take advantage of the gorgeous weather today. I had meetings scheduled this morning, and by the time they’d be over, I would have missed Providence & Worcester train NR-2. Well as luck would have it (even on such […]
Monthly Archives: June 2008
I had to go into work late today for a doctor’s appointment, so I swung by to check out the Thames River drawbridge, and of course play with the new 40D. Then after I got home, I had to go into Willimantic to get something at the hardware store, and […]
Well, I couldn’t wait to try out the new 40D. So I broke out the telescope (Celestron Super C8+, 8″ 2,000mm f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope) and took a shot of the moon.
Well, at just a hair over 80,000 frames, I’ve officially shelved my venerable Canon EOS 20D body. To be totally truthful, this wasn’t a voluntary move. My 20D decided to die yesterday – the shutter button is stuck in the half-press mode, making some functions impossible (like viewing anything on […]
Damn it’s hot…I managed to get a few shots in yesterday – I had to come in late to work (kids were sick), and I bagged a sub leaving for sea, as well as a heavy crane that was brought in to remove the counterweight on the existing bascule span […]
Phew, finally caught up completely! Shot these this past Tuesday the 3rd – I ended up catching Providence & Worcester train NR-2 at Mill Cove, and again crossing the Thames River, and sandwiched in between was a westbound Amtrak Acela crossing the Thames. And something I mentioned in the post […]
Some interesting reading from across the pond about photography, the misguided perception the public has for us, and where they got it from. Head here… Glad someone gets it… -Tom
Getting caught up, finally. This one took place this past Monday. I was able to take advantage of the nice weather on Monday and get out to shoot Providence & Worcester train NR-2 in Ledyard, Groton and New London. Also, I nabbed Amtrak 171 crossing the river ahead of NR-2, […]
After the long Memorial Day weekend (I’ll have photos from the Lebanon, CT Memorial Day Parade sometime in the next few days if you’re interested), and having meetings all last week, I finally got out last Thursday to catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2 somewhere in Ledyard. The weather was […]
No, I’m not talking about a sandwich here. An honest to goodness submarine. In fact, it’s one of the newer US Navy Virginia-class fast attack boats. One cloudy morning I happened to catch one heading back to the Sub Base on my way into work.