Wednesday – A train and a sub

OK, it’s Friday night, so I guess I can catch up.  I managed to get out a few times this past week to shoot a bit.  The weather was decent down here in southeastern Connecticut, so I took advantage of that.  This one is from this past Wednesday where I caught Providence & Worcester train NR-2, along with a US Navy submarine heading out to sea.

We’ll keep it brief tonight (it’s late, I’m tired, and I have to get up early to head to Somerville, MA in the morning with Bob LaMay for the MVRS 2011 calendar judging luncheon).  Short story is this – I caught NR-2 at Mill Cove with one whole boxcar.  Then on my way south, I stumbled across a Los Angeles class fast attack sub heading out to sea.  With them safely past the lift bridge, NR-2 crossed the river, this time with about 20 gondolas tacked onto the boxcar.  That’s about it…so here’s the pix!


Thanks for looking!