The Greek Orthodox Chapel at UConn

I recently took a few photos of the Greek Orthodox Chapel of the Three Heirarchs at the University of Connecticut for some publicity material.  As some of you may know, I’ve got a personal connection to this chapel and Hellenic Education Center – not only did I help build the complex on the campus of my alma mater (B.A. – 1991), but, much closer to home, Jill & I were married in the chapel.  Yep, this is one of the blog posts that are way outside of my normal railroad-related ones.

Only one of these shots was taken in full daylight – the first one of the chapel and part of the study center.  The next one of the Study Center was taken at dusk, and I used a bit of Lumedyne for fill flash.  The rest were done under cover of darkness, where I could have better control of the light.  Lighting was with my 400 watt/second Lumedyne, and a single Canon 420EX, both remotely fired with a radio slave.  Inside the Chapel, I blended both flash and ambient to get the diffraction spikes on the individual chandelier lights (if you’re curious, I did it by stopping down a bit more than normal, and leaving the shutter open longer), and give the room a little warmer feel.  The shots inside the Education Center and Chapel were shot with a 15mm fisheye, and de-fished in Photoshop, and all were shot with the 50D, of course on a tripod with a remote shutter release.


Thanks for looking!