On Friday March 30th, the Providence & Worcester Railroad ran an extra from Worcester, MA to Willimantic, CT to handle the interchange traffic to and from the New England Central Railroad. It turned out to be a very nice day, weather-wise, and with summer hours upon us here at work, […]
Going a bit out of order with today’s post. On October 19, 2011 the member railroads of the Green Mountain Gateway – Canadian Pacific, Vermont Rail System, New England Central and Providence & Worcester – ran an office car special between Rutland, VT and Worcester, MA. The train, carrying VIPs […]
On February 10th the Providence & Worcester Railroad ran something rather unique through Connecticut and Massachusetts – a snow plow. The P&W leased a Russel plow from the Green Mountain Railroad in Vermont to clear some of the snowfall that had plagued southern New England this winter. And I used […]
So I managed to get out a few times last week – including one night jaunt shooting both the Providence & Worcester and New England Central (both sporting “foreign” power). Other stuff from the week was the P&W and NECR in daylight – including an ethanol move, along with a […]
As some of you may know a unit ethanol train ran between North Dakota and Providence, RI, carried by a various number of railroads – the last two were the New England Central and the Providence & Worcester. Well, as the schedule worked out, the NECR and P&W sections were […]