Still playing catch-up, so here’s some stuff from last week. Another busy week, so my ability to get out was limited. Making the best of it, I headed up to the USS Nautilus Overlook Park in Groton a couple times, getting some shots of trains and submarines in the same […]
US Coast Guard
Despite a hazy, foggy start, this morning ended up being pretty nice weather-wise. Along with the sunny, and somewhat hazy skies, there wasn’t a breath of wind. And when there’s no wind, there’s sure to be calm, glass-like water. Today wasn’t an exception – both the Thames River and Mill […]
Getting closer…now we’re up to what I shot last week! Providence & Worcester train NR-2 shifted their schedule recently. They’re now coming into Groton around 8:30AM, which actually makes it easier for me to get out and catch them a bit more often than I have been. So last week, […]
Well, here’s another quickie post. At least I’m getting to expose a few pixels lately – it has been a while since I’ve been out. I did leave work early again to help out with the family emergency of yesterday, but I didn’t catch any trains.