Monday we had some really nice blue skies, and I had a little hole in my schedule, so I took advantage of the two and caught Providence & Worcester train NR-2. As things worked out, I was able to catch them at two spots along the Thames.
Today is a solemn day – the 8th anniversary of the September 11 attacks on New York, Washington DC & Shanksville, PA where so many lost their lives. I decided to observe the passing of the moment by going out and exercising my freedom to take photos of what I […]
As things worked out today, I was able to get out a couple times – the second time being an on the fly, but pretty successful run. And both times I was able to explore some new angles – the first one was more of a tweak, but the second […]
Yes, that title is a poor attempt at a rhyme. But anyways, today is my 40th birthday, and I was able to head out for a few minutes this morning and catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2 in Groton and New London. Despite the cloudy morning, I ended up with […]
Back on September 2nd, I got a call from Nick Palazini that Providence & Worcester train NR-2 was just heading through Jewett City, CT. And with a little hole in my schedule, and some beautiful blue skies, I figured a little trip was in order. I figured i’d be able […]
This morning I met up with Mike Biehn again, and we visited a couple different spots. I didn’t have much time, so we made the chase short, but I did give him a few more pointers on other nice shots around the area. Anyways, we caught Providence & Worcester train […]
OK, continuing to catch up on last week’s shots, here’s part one from Thursday. I was able to get out for a bit and catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2 heading south. It was a quickie – not much time to do any kind of shooting, so it was a […]
This past Wednesday I met up with a rail photographer from Cincinnati, Ohio who was visiting the area. He had contacted me a while back asking about the Providence & Worcester along the Thames River. So I offered to meet him and show him around. Wednesday was that day.
This morning I was able to get out for my walk, but things didn’t go exactly as planned. In fact, they were pretty much made up on the fly – the scanner was unusually quiet when Providence & Worcester train NR-2 was usually talking. So I took that as a […]
Yesterday I was running a little late in getting out of the house, so I didn’t get on the road at my usual time. But like usual, I had my scanner on during the 40+ mile commute to the office. That told me a couple things – first that New […]