For today’s post, we’ll go back to the end of June when we as earthlings bore witness to the closest “super moon” of 2013 – or in more scientific terms the moon was at the perigee (closest to Earth) of its orbit while in the full phase. Honestly, it’s nothing […]
Hey everyone! Yep, it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here on the old blog. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t been out shooting – just the opposite! Granted, I’m not out every day like I have been in the past – life gets in the way much too […]
Yep, been tied up on many other things lately, so shooting time has been at a premium – never mind keeping the blog updated. Things have been happening, though, so it’s not like everything is at a complete standstill. I’ll be making another announcement soon about a gallery exhibit I’m […]
Last Friday was a pretty good day, photographically speaking. I ended up taking the day off from work for a couple reasons – first, later in the evening I was putting on a presentation about the railroads along the Thames River for the Northeast Prototype Modeler’s Meet out in Collinsville, […]
Back on May 10th, the weather was pretty good – some sun mixed with clouds – so I was considering going out and shooting a bit. But with some early morning meetings, I thought I couldn’t make it. Then I got a message that Amtrak had parked a pair of […]
Holy crap does time fly when you’re doing nothing but shoveling snow. Yep, we’ve been inundated with snow the past month or so here in the Northeast, and I have next to no photos to show for it! But I did manage to get out a few times to shoot. So instead […]
Fall in New England brings plenty of cloudy days along with the changing color on the trees. On Friday the 15th I managed to get out and shoot a bit, catching an Amtrak Acela, Northeast Regional and a work extra over lunch, then a New England Central ethanol extra later […]
I had taken Columbus Day off from work (we don’t get that as a holiday), and had planned on getting some things done around the house. But the night before we had the neighbors over for a little bonfire and one of the conversations we had changed my plans completely.
Yeah, it’s been a little while since the last update. Actually, pretty close to a month! As usual, things are just downright hectic at home and at work. But I have been making a little time for shooting here and there. Over the next week or so, I’ll be playing […]
More of the same – behind a bit on the postings, and slowly catching up. This one is from this past Tuesday, June 1st. Managed to get Providence & Worcester train NR-2 at Fairview and later on at Niantic. Also, while at Niantic, I managed to get a couple Amtraks […]