OK, I can now finally let the cat outta the bag on this dual-domed NPCU I photographed up at the Amtrak Rensselaer shops. [cpg_imagefixthumb:7763] ABC’s Good Morning America show is doing a live broadcast from the rails on a nation-wide tour that is starting in Albany, then heading east into […]
New York
13 posts
Having friends who have friends in high places is a nice thing. And when I got a call from good friend, and fellow rail photographer Bob LaMay, asking if I’d like to come with him up to the Amtrak Rensselaer Shops in Rensselaer, NY I didn’t hesitate to say yes. […]
Feeling a bit nostalgic tonight and with a headache that stopped thanks to oxycodone, so I fired up the slide scanner and scanned a few slides in. Here’s a glimpse back to some of what I was shooting in 2003 & 2004. [cpg_imagefixthumb:2640] [cpg_imagefixthumb:2641] [cpg_imagefixthumb:2642] [cpg_imagefixthumb:2643] [cpg_imagefixthumb:2644] I’d like to […]