The last couple weeks of September brought me back to northern New Jersey for work again, and of course I managed to get out and shoot a bit. I visited some of my usual haunts – both in daylight and under cover of darkness, as well as added a couple […]
Since I drove down to New Jersey this trip, I was able to shoot a little on my way back. I figured two easy stops were in order – both of which were very close to I-287. First was the Morristown & Erie shops in Morristown, NJ, and the second […]
Here’s Part III from last Wednesday. After having a great evening of conversation, beer & cigars with Railfan & Railroad magazine editor Steve Barry at JR Cigar in Whippany, NJ, the rain continued to fall. So I figured a stop by the Whippany Railroad Museum was out of the question. […]
Well, I can’t say the Lehigh Line here in northern New Jersey is dead. Ended up catching two trains before work this morning, and another five this evening – one of which was at two spots. Can’t complain about numbers like that…especially in comparison to what I’ve got to shoot […]
Last week I was down in New Jersey again for work, and as has been my usual practice, the cameras and Lumedyne have come along for the ride. Instead of doing a post for each time I went out to shoot, I’m just going to roll everything up into one […]
On my last night in NJ, I decided to head up to Whippany, NJ to check out the Whippany Railway Museum out and photograph some of their equipment. As things worked out, not only did I stop in Whippany, but I also swung through Morristown and checked out the Morristown […]
I had to go down to New Jersey again for work this week – but this time it was only for a few days. Still, like usual, the camera bag came along for the ride. Here’s some of what I shot on Monday evening.