On the morning of September 11th, I asked my daughters if they’d like to come out with me to shoot an ethanol train (OK, I didn’t say “ethanol” since they’re 5 and 7, and have no idea what ethanol is). The older one said “naw, I want to stay with […]
I decided to take the week of Labor Day off from work, and that week coincidentally also contained my birthday (it was the 20th anniversary of my 21st birthday – doesn’t make me feel as old saying it that way). And on that day, after Jill & I put the kids on […]
On August 19th, there was a loaded unit ethanol train haded off to the Providence & Worcester Railroad by the New England Central Railroad in New London, CT. I managed to get out for a bit and shoot part of their trip north towards Worcester, MA. Along the way I […]
Back on the 3rd and 5th of August, 80 cars of loaded ethanol made their way over the New England Central and Providence & Worcester Railroads, and were delivered to their destination in Providence, Rhode Island. Well, on both days I managed to get shots of the two moonshine moves […]