Taking advantage of the beautiful weather on Thursday I headed out for a walk. I figured for something different I’d head to Stoddard Hill and try and catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2 heading south. Well, for once I didn’t catch NR-2, but I did catch a couple other things…
3 posts
Well, Friday the 13th turned out to be a fairly lucky day, in the realm of trains around these parts, that is. I was able to catch New England Central train #610 in Franklin, CT on my way into work, a Providence & Worcester hyrail in Ledyard on an inspection […]
A sunny day can’t go without pictures (yeah, neither can a cloudy, rainy, foggy or snowy day either, but you get my drift), so I headed out to catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2 this morning at one of my usual spots. So once I left, I fired up my […]