Let’s jump into the (not-so) wayback machine for a moment today, and go back exactly nine years ago – to December 4, 2006 (and about the same time as I’m posting this), where I had a pretty unique photographic opportunity. Something unusual happened on the New England Central Railroad in […]
In the aftermath of the P&W derailment in South Windham last week, contractors had emptied out and rerailed the cars that came off the tracks. The three that ended up on their sides/tops, were placed on the spur track near Route 203 in South Windham. On my way up to […]
As some of you may know a unit ethanol train ran between North Dakota and Providence, RI, carried by a various number of railroads – the last two were the New England Central and the Providence & Worcester. Well, as the schedule worked out, the NECR and P&W sections were […]
I had to bring my truck’s brake drums to the machine shop today to get turned, so I swung through downtown Willimantic to check out what was going on. New England Central train 608 was working the Willimantic Waste/CC Lonsbury area – well out of easy photo range. So I […]