The week of November 15th I was in New Jersey again for work, and I managed to do a bit of shooting while there. Not as much as usual, but I did manage to kill a few pixels in the Garden State. The first night I also met up with […]
On Thursday the 28th I didn’t get a chance to head out in the daylight hours – we had a “happy hour” after work with our entire team, so I couldn’t miss that. But once that was wrapped up, I headed out for a while and managed to catch trains […]
Wednesday I managed to get out of work at a normal hour, and headed to Bound Brook for a little shooting. I figured I’d get something in before heading to the hotel for the night. Oh, how I was wrong there…
This one is from back on September 2nd – yep, still catching up on stuff. Over my past trips down to New Jersey, I’ve met a few local railfans down there, and every Thursday a group gets together to watch & photograph trains at Bound Brook station. I figured that […]
With the days progressively getting shorter, time to shoot outside of work hours is getting limited. But that doesn’t mean I put the cameras down and not shoot. Just means I have to work with the cards I’ve been dealt. So while I was on my trip to New Jersey, […]
Still catching up on things here on the old blog. Here’s some stuff from back in the middle of August where I spent a bit of time up in Palmer, MA. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision to head up there, but as things worked out it went rather well overall.
A couple weeks back, I had to take a short-notice work trip down to New Jersey (pictures from that trip are here). But the different thing about this trip is I drove down, instead of my usual mode of transportation – the Acela. So on the way home, I swung […]
A couple weeks back I had to take a last minute trip down to New Jersey for work, and as usual I went out for a bit of shooting in the down time. But with the earlier sunsets, and later workdays, I only had a little bit of time to […]
Last Thursday the 8th I had to drive down to New Jersey for work for the day. I managed to snap a few pictures on my way – nothing special, but still managed to kill a few million pixels.
July 2nd was a work holiday for us, starting out a four day weekend. I had some things to do in the morning, but with that stuff done, I headed out for a bit to shoot, taking advantage of the nice weather. Initially I had set my sights on shooting […]