Two Thousand and Fifteen started out like most any other year for me – a busy schedule for the family/kids, a chock-full year at work, and lots of stuff in the ‘photo idea’ bin, coupled with some time to possibly take care of at least a few of those goals. Then […]
Between 2006 and 2008, I embarked on a project that long-time readers of the blog probably noticed. Among what I was regularly photographing through the year, I also made it a point to shoot the ongoing progress of Amtrak’s Thames River draw moveable span replacement project. An effort by the […]
For today’s post, we’ll go back to the end of June when we as earthlings bore witness to the closest “super moon” of 2013 – or in more scientific terms the moon was at the perigee (closest to Earth) of its orbit while in the full phase. Honestly, it’s nothing […]
Hey everyone! Yep, it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here on the old blog. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t been out shooting – just the opposite! Granted, I’m not out every day like I have been in the past – life gets in the way much too […]
The start of January 2013 brought some cold temperatures to Connecticut, and it also brought some vacation time to me. On the third day of the new year – a day that started out with the mercury diving to about 5°F – I decided to head out for some train […]
Part four of my five post 2012 photo recap – and this one will cover the last three months of the year. But wait, if this covers the last three months, what will the fifth installment include? If you recall in my first recap post (here), I mentioned the last […]
And we continue on with the 2012 photo recap, with this post moving onto the second quarter of 2012. During this three month span the subjects ranged from the usual railroad photos, to submarines, a new bridge, a locomotive shop and a two-day photo charter. So does that mean I’ll […]
Here we go folks – starting to clear out the backlog of posts! For this first post in quite a while, we’ll go back to the beginning of May 2012 where the Providence & Worcester Railroad took Valley Railroad Mikado No 3025 for a spin around Amtrak’s Old Saybrook wye […]
Yep, been tied up on many other things lately, so shooting time has been at a premium – never mind keeping the blog updated. Things have been happening, though, so it’s not like everything is at a complete standstill. I’ll be making another announcement soon about a gallery exhibit I’m […]
Between family commitments, a bout with a flu-like bug (putting me in bed for 4 days), and Hurricane Irene’s power outage (6 days for us), I’ve once again fallen a bit behind on the old Blog here. But never fear, it’s time to catch up on the posts. Granted, I […]